Tell Everyone What You've Been Up To!

Copy the following questions, fill them out, and email it to me! OR, if you've already done it, copy it and pass it on to one of your fellow class members!

To show up on the page:
** Maiden Name:
** Name:
** If your name is pronounced differently than it looks, how is it pronounced?
** Where are you living? (city and state only)
** What did you do after high school?
** Did you go to college or a vo-tech school? If so, where?
** Did you join a branch of the armed services? If so, which one? Where has it taken you?
** What is your current job? What does it entail? Do you like it?
** Has your family grown: married (when/who?), significant other's name?, kids (ages & names?), pets?
** Narrative/story of what's been happening.

Will not show up on the page:
Also, please include:
--your email address as well as whether or not you want your email address shared with others,
--a physical/mailing address (if you're on the move, college, etc. and want any mail sent in care of parents, etc. please provide that address) as well as if you want that address shared with others.
--pictures of you from back THEN and one of you NOW.