Hi, my name is Eric Radspinner. Pronounced as it is spelled. Unless you're from the south. In which case, don't try.
My apartment is in Charleston South Carolina, although I am currently in Groton Connecticut for the next four months.
After high school, I went to Phoenix for a trade school. I graduated, got a job working for the city of Phoenix on their buses. Well, I was at work when the towers fell and then drank with my buddy whose daughter was in them. So, I joined the Navy.
I enlisted in the Navy's Nuclear Propulsion program where I learned to boil water to push submarines. Which sounds cool and is fun for about an hour and then its all kinds of boring. Imagine looking at a TV screen that doesn't change for 6 hours, followed by working for another four to six hours. Repeat. Well, I decided to apply for a commissioning program and was accepted.
I went to Oregon State for three years and got my BS in Nuclear Engineering and a commission in the Navy in June. I'm currently going to Submarine Officers Basic Course where they teach the basics of driving the boat, tactics and all the fun stuff related to being in charge of a sub. Joy. I finish here in a couple months, go back to Charleston for 6 months and then find out where I go for three years. I'm hoping its going to be Guam.
No wife or kids for me. I'm enjoying being a single Sailor way too much. Its pretty much my definition of the perfect life. Everytime that I get bored living in a place, I get to move.
Unfortunately, there's no way that I can make it to the reunion since the chances are really good that I'll be on the other side of the Pacific. Sorry. Maybe the next one.
You can contact me here.